Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Physicians of Note

A – J

Michael J. Abramson
Dr. Monty Perl—Pioneering Australian venereologist

Robin Agnew
Portrait of Sir John Forbes as a young man

Mas Ahmed and Anna Payne
Frantisek Chvostek, a notable physician

Herbert Ausubel
A walk with giants

Arpan K. Banerjee
Richard Mead
John Francis Hall-Edwards—a radiology pioneer
John S. Bristowe: Victorian physician and polymath
Neville Samuel Finzi—British radiotherapy pioneer
Charles Richard Box: physician, pathologist, and infectious disease pioneer
Francis Henry Williams: the first American chest radiologist
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543)

Marja Berclouw
Francis Galton at the Birmingham General Hospital

Ku Ezriq Raif bin Ku Besry
The Pearl of the Orient: the persistence of Dr. Wu Lien-teh

JTH Connor
Sir Wilfred Thomason Grenfell: legendary physician in Newfoundland and Labrador

Jack Coulehan
The education of Doctor Chekhov

Julian Crane
Charles Harrison Blackley: the man who put the hay in hay fever

Raymond Curry
Carlos Montezuma, MD

Luciano Daliento, Lucia Dal Bianco, and Gabriella Romeo
Ramazzini and the birth of occupational medicine

Jonathan Davidson
Ignaz Troxler (1780–1866): Swiss polymath, physician, philosopher, pedagogue and politician

Joseph deBettencourt
Sir George Frederick Still (1868–1941): the constant pediatrician

Noah DeLone
Luigi Galvani: a short portrait

Martin Duke
Frank Gill Slaughter: physician and writer

George Dunea
J.I. Guillotin: reformer and humanitarian
Albert Schweitzer: physician philosopher
John Chamber, physician to Henry VIII
Benjamin Hoadly, physician and playwright
Herman Boerhaave
Carl von Rokitansky (1804–1881)
Theodore de Mayerne: prince of all doctors
Joseph Bell, supreme diagnostician
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Charles Lucas, MD: politics and mineral baths
Thomas Hodgkin
Sir Samuel Wilks (1824–1911)
William Babington
Caleb Hillier Parry
Giorgio Baglivi, a leading physician of his time
Paul Bussière, Huguenot physician in London (c. 1660–1739)
Parkes Weber and his eponyms
William Cullen (1710–1790)
Phillipe Gaucher (1854–1918)
Girolamo Cardano: Renaissance physician and polymath 
The hectic life of Leonardo Fioravanti 
Fortunio Liceti (1577–1567)—Aristotelean teratologist
Sir John Pringle, public health and military medicine pioneer
Joseph Škoda (1805–1881)
William Osler
John Abernethy
The two Scottish doctors John Brown

Jean Astruc, the “compleat physician”
Dr. William Shippen, surgeon and educator in colonial America
Aphorisms from Latham
John Morgan, founder of public medical education in America

Eli D. Ehrenpreis
Ruggero Oddi: Brilliant physician and victim of gaslighting by the Congo Free State

Josephine Ensign
Gospel Argonaut

María Belén Eyheramonho
Life-giving doctors: the hard decision of self-surrender

Howard Fischer
A tale of three doctors
The satirical side of William Osler, M.D.

Brody M. Fogleman, Harsh Jha, Noel Brownlee, and JuliSu DiMucci-Ward
Corn, pellagra, and modern medicine—How an ancient disease was recognized in South Carolina’s state lunatic asylum

James L. Franklin
Franz Anton Mesmer
Medicine and Physicians during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration: Overview
Frederick A. Cook, MD: First to reach the North Pole or A Hero in Disgrace?
Reginald Koettlitz: Geologist, Explorer, and Scott’s Forgotten Surgeon
Edward Leicester Atkinson: Parasitologist, Explorer, War Hero
Edward Adrian Wilson: Artist, Naturalist, Edwardian Hero
From woodpeckers to Auenbrugger
Steller’s Sea eagle: Who was Georg Wilhelm Steller?

J. Gordon Frierson
America’s first bronchoscopist

Chris Gilleard
Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard

James Goodwin and Peter Kopplin
Walter Campbell: More than a footnote

Patrick Guinan
Thomas Linacre: catalyst for the Renaissance
John Locke

Hina Haq
Through hardship comes success—Life of Adolph Kussmaul

Paula Hellal
Charles West: 19th century childhood expert

Barry I. Hoffbrand
Dr. Monro, Mr. Turner, and his mother

Anne Jacobson
The “English Hippocrates” and the disease of kings

Jason Jo
Henri Parinaud—French physician, composer, and humanitarian

K – P

Sylvia R. Karasu
Albert C. Barnes, MD: the physician who spun silver into gold

Maria Stack Kinsella
Dr. Currier McEwen

Laura King
Morris Fishbein, MD—foe of four-flushers, flimflammers, and fakes

C. Frederick Kittle
Benjamin Rush—Heritage and Hope

K.N. Lai
Sun Yat-sen, father of the Republic of China

Marshall A. Lichtman
The Quaker and the Jew, an enduring and impactful friendship: Thomas Hodgkin and Moses Montefiore

Philip Liebson
John Caius, the polymath who described the sweating sickness

Kevin R. Loughlin
Benjamin Rush: physician, patriot, and polymath

James A. Marcum
Giorgio Baglivi and The Practice of Physick

Adil Menon
Joseph Goldberger: epidemiology’s unsung hero

Marie-Catherine Mousseau
Robert Todd: overlooking big achievements

Kirtan Nautiyal
Thomas Hodgkin: the limits of idealism

Alex Ngo
Sir William Stewart Duke-Elder

Tran Nguyen Ngoc Nhu
The significant contributors to the history and development of Vietnam’s medicine sector

Joshua D. Niforatos and Gregory W. Rutecki
From bedside to bench and beyond: the legacy of Dr. Eric G.L. Bywaters

Avi Ohry
Whitlock Nicholl: Physician and theological writer
Fritz Mainzer and the Jewish Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt

Oladele Olajide Onada
Ephraim McDowell Cosgrave: Irish physician

Anthony Papagiannis
Paul Brand and the myth of rotting flesh

Krutika Parasar
Frank H. Krusen—the father of physical medicine and rehabilitation

JMS Pearce
The mysteries of James Lind and scurvy
Stephen Hales: the priest who pioneered clinical physiology
Dr. John Wall and Royal Worcester porcelain
Henrik Sjögren and his syndrome
Luigi Galvani: beginnings of electrophysiology
John Arbuthnot: physician, wit, and creator of John Bull
Thomas Sydenham, “The English Hippocrates”
Roget and his Thesaurus
Thomas Young MD FRS (1773–1829): “The Last Man Who Knew Everything.” 
The wayward Paracelsus
Johannes Jacob Wepfer (1620–1695)
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
William Withering’s botanical microscope
Caleb Hillier Parry MD FRS
Denis Parsons Burkitt
John Bostock and hay fever
Raynaud’s phenomenon
The Foundling Hospital and Dr. Richard Mead
Down’s syndrome
Wilfred Harris and periodic migrainous neuralgia
Samuel Auguste Andre David Tissot (1728–1797)
The legacy of Armand Trousseau
John Caius, MD (1510–1573)
Dr. William Gilbert Grace (W.G.)
Aequanimitas FALL ’24

Einar Perman
Carl Linnaeus—Botanist and physician
Nils Rosén von Rosenstein: Founder of pediatrics

R – Z

Jayant Radhakrishnan

John Raffensperger
Beloved physicians: three unsung heroes

Tonse N. K. Raju
Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman

Nicolas Roberto Robles
Doctor Schiller

Kate Elizabeth Shipman and Sudarshan Ramachandran
Thomas Addison

Michael D. Shulman
Arthur Conan Doyle and the romance of medicine

Stanford Shulman
Charles-Michel Billard, an overlooked pediatric pioneer

Aditi Sivaramakrishnan
Pierre Bretonneau

Annabelle Slingerland
Dr. Samuel Sarphati

Jiyeon Son
Heo Jun: brilliant physician in 16th century Korea

Alexandru Gh. Sonoc
Paracelsus: physician and alchemist

Mariel Tishma
William Gorgas – Life and Medical Legacy
African American medical pioneers

John J. Turner
Grandfather of allergy: Dr. Bill Frankland, the ardent centenarian

Elliot Weisenberg
Rudolf Virchow, pathologist, anthropologist, and social thinker

Göran Wettrell
William Withering and the use of foxglove in pediatric patients
William Osler: Clinician and teacher with a pediatric interest
Sir William Osler and Oxford

Frank A. Wollheim
Jan Waldenström and Dag Hammaskjöld: A friendship between two Swedish humanists
Jan Gösta Waldentröm: A pioneer of translational medicine
Torsten Almén (1931–2016): Inventor of non-ionized contrast media
Jöns Jacob Berzelius: Physician, scientist, and globetrotter
Erik Jorpes: from Kökar to Helsingfors, Moscow, and Stockholm

A.J. Wright
“Without dissent”: Early black physicians in Alabama

Roseanne Zhao and Roy Zhao
Alfred Salter: Physician, visionary, politician, and social reformer


Sir Norman Gregg and the German measles
Pierre Charles Louis of the numerical method
The three knights of thyrotoxicosis
Abraham de Balmes ben Meir, Jewish Italian physician and polymath
(Avi Ohry)
Matthew Baillie (1761–1823), anatomist and physician
Thomas Beddoes, MD (1760–1808)
John Fothergill (1712–1780), eminent physician, reformer, and botanist
Matthew Dobson (1735?–1784)
John Huxham (1694–1768)
Walter Charleton (1619–1707)
John Coakley Lettsom
(JMS Pearce)
Arvid Carlsson (1923–2018)
Tytus Chałubiński (1820–1889)
(Avi Ohry)
Dr. Thomas Barnardo
(Avi Ohry)
Other distinguished physicians

Theophile Bonet, physician and anatomist of Geneva
Kenelm Digby, polymath and inventor of the wound salve
Thomas Dover, physician and entrepreneur (1660–1742)
Theodor Zwinger (1533–1588)
John Allan Wyeth
(Avi Ohry)
John Ruhräh, poliomyelitis pioneer and medical historian
(Avi Ohry)
Hieronymus Gaubius
The “Republic of Letters” and Jacob Spon (Avi Ohry)
David Macbride: On scurvy and the art of tanning
(Avi Ohry)
William Murrell and nitroglycerin
William P. Murphy Jr., MD: Physician-inventor
(Howard Fischer)
Eugène J. Woillez (1811–1882)
Pope John XXI, the only physician to become pope
The Mauriacs (Avi Ohry)
James Parsons, physician and linguist (1705–1770) FALL ’24