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A – J |
Diego Andrade and Stalin Santiago Celi
Quinine and global health
Juan–Carlos Argüelles
The early days of the Nobel Prize and Golden Age of Microbiology
Patrick Ashinze
Lassa: The small town with the mark of death
Arpan K. Banerjee
Book review: Pandemic Obsession: How They Feature in our Popular Culture
Book review: Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines and the Health of Nations
Book review: A history of vaccines and anti-vaxxers new
Salvatore Barbuti, Domenico Martinelli, and Rosa Prato
Bari in the seventh cholera pandemic
Cristóbal S. Berry-Cabán
“Satturday” by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who helped introduce smallpox inoculation to England
Nazan Bilgel
Lament to measles
Amogh BJ, Nanditha Venkatesan
Rheumatic fever: evolution of causal concepts and management
Julius P. Bonello, Michael J. Neff, and Zoe O. Demko
Propagating penicillin in Peoria: From discovery to mass production
Emily Boyle
“Scarlet letters”—the depiction of scarlet fever in literature
Art Boylston
Smallpox inoculation: prelude to vaccination
Richard J.E. Brown
Malaria in defeat and victory
Barry R. Catchlove
Plague Sydney 1900
Enrique Chaves-Carballo
Darling of Panama
Carlos J. Finlay: the mosquito man
The germ of laziness
Palo Seco: A leper colony in Panama
Abigail Cline
Tales from the crypt: The mosaic symbolism of Louis Pasteur’s tomb
Lea Dacy
Milwaukee’s unlikely public health advocate
Richard de Grijs
The ships’ surgeons’ toxic toolkit
Ship fever: A malignant disease of a most dangerous kind?
Cross De Idialu
Not all heroes wear capes
Jose de la Fuente
Anaplasmosis: what we can learn from Lam’s surrealistic animalarium
Anahita Dua
Quarantining souls: The impact of plague village
Martin Duke
Maxwell Finland: expert in infectious diseases
George Dunea
Daniel Carrion and his disease
David Bruce, discoverer of brucellosis
Baruch Blumberg who discovered the hepatitis B virus
Botulism: from pork sausages to Botox
Simon Flexner, infectious diseases pioneer
The men who defeated syphilis
Scrofula or the king’s evil
William Budd and typhoid fever
John Haygarth, pioneer epidemiologist
The final illness of Thomas Wolfe
Carlo Forlanini and his artificial pneumothorax for tuberculosis
Kathryne Dycus
Peter Panum and the “geography of disease”
Hayat El Boukari
Philadelphia’s plague
Howard Fischer
Scotland’s Anthrax Island
Robert Koch, M.D., and the cure for sleeping sickness: ethics versus economics
When Papa Doc treated yaws
Dr. Gerhard Domagk and prontosil: dyeing beats dying
Dr. Oriol Mitjà: seeking to understand old and new infectious diseases
Diagnosis: Neurosyphilis. Treatment: Malaria, iatrogenic
Leprosy and armadillos: Handle with care
Noma: The disfiguring, devouring disease
BCG: The vaccine that took thirteen years to develop
Dr. Gerhard Hansen – A great discoverer
Book review: The Autumn Ghost: How the Battle Against a Polio Epidemic Revolutionized Modern Medical Care
James L. Franklin
A Cold War vaccine: Albert Sabin, Russia and the oral polio vaccine
Denis Gill
Polio conundrums
Pavane L. Gorrepati
A historical analysis of the military’s method of anti-malaria health education through print
John Hayman
The discovery of the Bairnsdale (or Buruli) ulcer and the source of the White Nile
Sarah Jane Irawa
Matushka’s ordeal
Anne Jacobson
Plagues and prejudice
The scourge, the scientist, and the swindle
Beth Jarosz
Casanova: Patient Zero and other insights into sexual health in the 1700s
Stewart Justman
“God Helps Them That Help Themselves”: Poor Richard and the inoculation controversy
K – P |
Tafadzwa Kasambira
Larry Kerr
Preparing for a zombie apocalypse
William Kingston
Chance in the origins of antibiotics
Travis Kirkwood
Health, wellness, and their determinants
Khameer Kishore Kidia
A disease of society: cholera through the ages
Stephen A. Klotz and Justin O. Schmidt
Pursuing Hualapai tigers in the Mule Mountains
Tom Koch
Passionate medicine: the emotional fight against epidemic disease
Peter Koplin
Ernest Black Struthers: missionary life, kala azar, and military strife
Antoinette van der Kuyl
Dandy fever in New Orleans, 1828
Lauren Lewis
A Return to a Moralistic Perception of Disease: Prudence in the Time of Cholera
Vicky Li
Ancient remedies for modern times
Philip R. Liebson
Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau and aeration of the White Plague
Salvador Luria and the bacteriophage
Martinus Beijerinck: A co-discoverer of viruses
Kevin R. Loughlin
Salk and Sabin: the disease, the rivalry and the vaccine
Salvatore Mangione
Bugs and people: when epidemics change history
Constance Markey
Giovanni Boccaccio on pandemics past and present
Edward McSweegan
How conflict and bureaucracy delayed the elimination of yellow fever
The hunt for a yellow fever therapy
The Schoolhouse Lab
S.E.S. Medina
AIDS: Thru a glass darkly
Juliana Menegakis
Complicating leprosy in the late medieval West new
Andrea Meyerhoff
Streptococcus and me
Matthew Migliozzi, David Forstein, Sarah Rindner, and Robert Stern
Public health measures derived from the Jewish tradition: III. The Bris: Jewish ritual circumcision and hemophilia
Kayvon Modjarrad
A changing paradigm for medical research: the evolution of the clinical trial
Eleanor J. Molloy
Did Macbeth have syphilis?
David M Morens, Gregory K Folkers, and Anthony S Fauci
Emerging infections: a perpetual challenge
Lisa Mullenneaux
Outwitting “Typhoid Mary”
Clara Orban
AIDS literature: a cross cultural perspective
Anthony Papagiannis
Rapid testing for the masses
Harsh Patolia
The forgotten many of the Guatemalan Syphilis Experiments
J.M.S. Pearce
Leprosy: A nearly forgotten malady
The bubonic plague in Eyam
Epidemic cholera and Joseph William Bazalgette
John Walker, vaccinator extraordinaire
Koch’s postulates revisited
Measles again
Albert Alexander: Unsung hero of penicillin
Girolamo Fracastoro and syphilis
John Snow new
Shingles new
Godfrey Pearlson
Smallpox vaccination in the satirical work of James Gillray
Robert Perlman
Oswaldo Cruz and the eradication of infectious diseases in Brazil
Brendan Pulsifer
The climate cure: Treating tuberculosis in the nineteenth century
Constance E. Putnam
Lajos Markusovszky: Semmelweis’s Best Friend
Elisabeth Preston-Hsu
Ebola on this side
Astrid Primadhani
Disease mapping: tracing the urban epidemic
R – Z |
Jayant Radhakrishnan
Sir Alexander Fleming: A microbiologist at work and play
Use of masks to control the spread of infection: more than a century of confusion
Recognition at last
Gain of function
Sporozoites: The elusive assassins
Vicent Rodilla
El garrotillo: On diphtheria and Goya
Damiano Rondelli
Edward Jenner (1749-1823): From variolation to vaccination
Gregory M. Rutecki
Consumption, Collapse, and Family by Alice Neel
Tuberculosis Retrenched at Saranac Lake: A Herald for Contemporary Hospitals
Reflections on early 20th century tuberculosis: A juxtaposition of Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain and Edward L. Trudeau’s Autobiography
Philip John Ryan
Lord Florey and the other war
Tanzila Atifali Saiyed
Revisiting the history of kuru
Shafiqah Samarasam
The forerunner
Satish Saroshe
Ronald Ross: Polymath and discoverer
Saty Satya-Murti
The other Timothy Leary
“Killed By Vaccination”: The enduring currency of a nineteenth century illogic
Mindy A. Schwartz
Tuberculosis—A journey across time
Annabelle Slingerland
How a small town kept smallpox small
David Spadafora
Mortality data, risk probability, and the psychology of assent in the enlightenment smallpox debate
Robert Stern, Piotr Kozlowski, and David Forstein
Jewish ritual immersion in the mikveh and the concept of communal immunity
Mariel Tishma
The global journey of variolation
Russell Tomar
A Physician-Scientist’s odyssey at the dawn of AIDS
Kathryn Tone
Washington’s deadliest enemy
Emmanuel Ugokwe
Penicillin’s unique discovery
George Venters
Leith in the time of cholera—The story of Thomas Latta
Janet Wolter
Recollections of a polio ward
Noam Zeffren, Tova Chein, and Roberrt Stern
Public health measures derived from the Jewish tradition
Public health measures derived from the Jewish tradition: II. Washing and cleaning
Raisa Zubareva
Path of compassion
Vignettes |
Andrea del Sarto—Plague in Florence
A view of syphilis from the 19th century (Robert Thomas)
Fracastorius, the man who named syphilis
The Plague of Athens (Thucydites)
Dr. Uplavici’s studies on amebic dysentery
Fleas in art and medicine
St. Francis heals a leper
Cholera in France 1859 (William Sharp)
Vaccinating a young child
Intubation for diphtheria
Strange complications of vaccination
Sir Patrick Manson—“Father of Tropical Medicine” (Harley Williams)
Sanitariums as cure for consumption
Fossilized tick-borne diseases (José de la Fuente)
The problem with drinking (water) on airplanes (Howard Fischer)
The history of scarlet fever (George Dunea)
Infectious mononucleosis (George Dunea)
The seventeenth-century plague doctor’s hazmat suit (Howard Fischer)
Encephalitis lethargica: The sweating sickness of the 1920s? (Philip Liebson)
Epidemics: The deadly foes of humanity
Pertussis—A new or ancient disease? (George Dunea)
Mumps: Dolor et tumor (George Dunea)
Rabies, still a deadly disease (George Dunea)
Filariasis and elephantiasis, plagues of the tropics (George Dunea)
Echinococcus granulosus, the sheepdog worm (George Dunea)
Trachoma: Contained but not yet subdued (George Dunea)
Sand flies, leishmaniasis, and kala-azar (George Dunea)
Onchocerciasis, a continuing cause of blindness (George Dunea)
Kuru, the laughing disease of New Guinea (George Dunea)
Sulfonamides: The first synthetic antibacterial agents (George Dunea) FALL ’24