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A – J |
Rebekah Burgess Abramovich
George Bradford Brainerd: Innovator of laryngeal photography
Alexander J. Adams
Objections to Kuhn’s theory of scientific progression
Nater Akpen
Keeping corpses company
Wladimir Alonso, Steven Zhixiang Zhou, and Cynthia Schuck-Paim
The first clinical trial and controlled biological experiments
Adriano Angelucci
Lights and shadows and Vitamin D
Geoffrey Baird
Thomas Bayes and Bayes’ Theorem in medicine
Arpan K. Banerjee
Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield: Inventor of the CT scanner
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and X-rays
Bhargavi Bhattacharyya
Origin of the mind
Alan Bleakley
Airs and graces: Humphry Davy and science as performance
Philippe Campillo
Giovanni Alfonso Borelli: De Motu Animalium, an iatromathematic and mechanical understanding of the body and health
Etienne-Jules Marey (1830–1904). The study of movement in the functions of life: eclecticism and inventiveness
Philippe Campillo and Ziad Joseph Rahal
Jules Amar (1879–1935). A method to help soldiers who were amputated or mutilated during the First World War reintegrate society
Richard J. Caselli
Creativity and human nature (What Wallace saw)
Srilakshmi Chidambaram
Entomological evidence and tales of the dead
Robert Cutillo
The pressure for certainty in an uncertain world: a new application of Boyle’s Law
George Dunea
Paul Ehrlich: from aniline dyes to the magic bullet
Albrecht von Haller, physiologist and polymath
Charles Darwin’s illnesses
William Beaumont and Alexis St. Martin
“Loathsome Beasts: Images of reptiles and amphibians in art and science“
Tu Youyou, discoverer of artemisinin for resistant malaria
Carl Ludwig, pioneer in human physiology
Van Leeuwenhoek’s discovery of “animalcules”
Giovanni Borelli, polymath of Naples and Pisa
Johannes Purkinje: physiologist with wide interests
The Doctors Cori, carbohydrate metabolism, and the Nobel prize
Leonhard Thurneysser: scholar, alchemist, and miracle doctor
Xenotransplantation—giving animal organs to humans
Berzelius, father of Swedish chemistry
Friedrich Wöhler (1800–1882)
Opium and its derivatives
Alun Evans
Fred Gey, father of the antioxidant hypothesis
Howard Fischer
Rabbit starvation (protein poisoning)
Dr. Fritz Kahn and medical infographics
Help from the horseshoe crab
Fraudulent medical research and “zombie articles”
Max Planck on innovation and age
Ronald Fishman
Nature telling her secrets: the Kepler–Descartes connection
James L. Franklin
John Dalton’s Eyes: A History of the Eye and Color Vision, Part One
John Dalton’s Eyes: A History of the Eye and Color Vision, Part Two
Mankind and the camel: An old romance
David Green
Chemical origins of terrestrial biology
John Hayman
Charles Darwin’s illness and the ‘wondrous water cure’
The illness of Tom Wedgwood: a tragic episode in a family saga
When Darwin was wrong
Nicola Hodson
The hidden city of the cell
Teresa L. Johnson
The Aging Revolutionary
K – P |
Sylvia Karasu
Pursuing “conclusions infinite”: The divine inspiration of Georg Cantor
Stephen Kent
Historical and modern diagnoses of Darwin’s chronic illness
William Kingston
How a bishop unwittingly kick-started the DNA revolution
Trevor Klee
Hume and autism-causing vaccines
Yvette Koepke
Sir Francis Bacon’s overlooked contributions
Chloe Wen-Min Lee
The myth of knowledge
Marshall A. Lichtman
The first description of DNA: a six million dollar letter from Francis to Michael Crick
Terminal digit preference
Mitochondrial DNA: a maternal gift
“Am not I a fly like thee?” Drosophila melanogaster and the human genome
Philip R. Liebson
Philosophy of science and medicine series — I: Hippocratic Concepts of Medicine
Philosophy of science and medicine series — II: Galen vs. Hippocrates
Philosophy of science and medicine series — III: Greek science
Philosophy of science and medicine series — IV: Alexandrian period
Philosophy of science and medicine series — V: Roman period
Philosophy of science and medicine series — VI: Islamic science
Philosophy of science and medicine series — VII: Roman and medieval symbolism
Philosophy of science and medicine series — VIII: Physics
Philosophy of science and medicine — IX: Western science in the High Medieval period
Philosophy of science and medicine — X: Aristotle to the early 20th Century
Justus von Liebig (1803–1873)
James A. Marcum
Head and hand: Claude Bernard’s experimental medicine
Stephen Martin
John Hunter, his wolf dogs, and the inherited smiles of Pomeranians
John Massie
Star Wars and medical progress: A lesson to be learned from fiction
S.E.S. Medina
Was Moses an alchemist?
Adil Menon
The Rockefeller Institute and the growth of cell biology
Doubled edged shield
Marco Nathan and Diego Brancaccio
Should a scientist be elegant?
Vidhi Naik
From silks to science: The history of hematoxylin and eosin staining
Daniel Nebert
Darwin’s ideas: Supported by science
JMS Pearce
John Tyndall, FRS: The beauty of science
Alfred Russel Wallace
Ernest Henry Starling and the birth of English Physiology
Thomas Henry Huxley
John Dalton
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin OM, FRS (1910–1994)
Kathleen (Yardley) Lonsdale DSc., FR
Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace (1815–1852)
How Britain rescued scientists from Nazi tyranny
The Valsalva maneuver
Serendipity in science and medicine
The beginnings of cell theory: Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow
Francis Bacon’s natural philosophy and medicine
Physicians and photosynthesis
Douglas Argyll Robertson and his pupils
A note on circadian clocks
Christopher Wren’s contributions to medicine
Robert Hooke and Micrographia
Archibald Edward Garrod: Inborn errors of metabolism
Love thy neighbour?: Peace-loving primates
Einar Perman
The men who standardized temperature measurements
Orit Pinhas-Hamiel, Hamiel Uri, and Tirosh Amit
Trijntje Keever—a tall tale
Beatriz GT Pogo
Histone acetylation a half century later: The modest birth of epigenetics
David Poole, Michael White, and Brian Whipp
The discovery of oxygen
R – Z |
Jayant Radhakrishnan
Albert Einstein headed off at the “Nobel pass” by Alvar Gullstrand
Sports and the uneven playing field
“Can you define the word ‘woman’?”
Snake oil and snake oil salesmen FALL ’24
Jayant Radhakrishnan and Anant Radhakrishnan
An ode to the cloaca
Sue Reeves
Santorio Santorio – physician, physiologist, and weight-watcher
Nicolás Roberto Robles
Absinthe: The green fairy
Irving Rosen
Lina Shtern and the blood brain barrier
Tajri Salek
Taking the bat out of Hell
Saty Satya-Murti
Mimetic medical terminologies inspired by the plant world new
Elizabeth A.J. Scott
Dream interpretation and insomnia across cultures and history
Justin Shea
Redefining the war on cancer
Ashok Singh
Cancer and eye diseases: Two birds killed with one stone, anti-VEGF antibody
Omentum: Much more than “policeman of the abdomen”
Edward Tabor
The origins of NIH medical research grants
Will DNA be the next invisible ink?
Sleeping while the mind works: Scientific discoveries in dreams
Andy Tay
Using bacteria in cancer therapy
Mariel Tishma
That hospital smell
Lazaros C. Triarhou
Contrasting notions of Ramón y Cajal and Constantin von Economo on forced propulsion
Lydia Usha
Creative thinking in medicine: can we learn it from the masters and practice it?
Göran Wettrell
Carl Linnaeus—The young botanist, natural scientist, and physician
Andrew N. Williams
Did Scythian men feminize themselves by drinking mare’s urine?
Hannah Wilson
The future of medicine
Philip K. Wilson
Visualizing the human body through the ages
Isuri Upeksha Wimalasiri
Serendipity: Is it mere lucky coincidence?
Vignettes |
Jean Marie Poiseuille: Physics and mathematics
Claude Bernard, one of the greatest scientists
Litmus paper and other pH indicators
Improving the ophthalmoscope
Photography in medicine
The wife of Antoine Lavoisier
Röntgen’s birthplace (Arpan K. Banerjee)
The periodic table of the elements
Ming the clam: Methodical measurement of the maturity of the Methuselah of mollusks (Howard Fischer)
Nicholas Cusanus (Avi Ohry)
Medical lessons from giraffes (George Dunea)
Love potions and aphrodisiacs (George Dunea)
Alexander von Humboldt, famous scientist and humanist (George Dunea) FALL ’24
Sir Peter Medawar and the discovery of acquired immune tolerance (George Dunea) FALL ’24
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829): Pioneer of evolutionary thought (George Dunea) FALL ’24
Gregor Johann Mendel, father of modern genetics (1822–1884) (George Dunea) FALL ’24
The life and science of Pierre Curie (1859–1906) (George Dunea) FALL ’24
Emil von Behring and passive antibody therapy (George Dunea) FALL ’24
The history of eyeglasses (George Dunea) FALL ’24
Science, wine, and music in Asti (Avi Ohry) FALL ’24