Saira Elizabeth Alex
The pandemic: a medical student’s perspective
Arpan K. Banerjee
Book Review of Intensive Care: A GP, A Community and COVID-19
Review: The History of the World in 100 pandemics, plagues and epidemics
Patrick Bell
Ancient Greek plague and coronavirus
Cristóbal S. Berry-Cabán
Katherine Anne Porter and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic
Brian Birch
COVID-19 and 1665: learning from Daniel Defoe
Denise Bockwoldt
Navigating the waters of post-COVID survivorship
Liam Butchart and Samantha Rizzo
The Call of the Wild and COVID-19
Michael Denham
The year gross anatomy faced the scalpel
Colleen Donnelly
COVID-19 and the Black Death
Catalina Florina Florescu
Covid-19 and the mind: a short play
James L. Franklin
Philip Roth’s Nemesis: a lesson for today
Daniel Gelfman
Enlightenment from Sherlock Holmes on COVID-19 associated perilous boredom
The history of polio and cigarettes, and the need for a COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Frank Gonzalez-Crussi
Animality revisited in times of the coronavirus: A fable
Dean Gianakos
When I Heard the Learn’d Epidemiologist
Victor Grech
COVID-19 and Malta’s Black Plague epidemic of 1813
Nancy L. Hagood
Laura Kahn
Remembering your COVID birth
Mateja Lekic
Boccaccio’s Decameron in the world of the coronavirus pandemic
Norelle Lickiss
COVID time
James A. Marcum
What does the zoonotic origin of COVID-19 teach us about preventing future pandemics?
Edward McSweegan
Jack London’s cloudy crystal ball
S.E.S. Medina
Danse of the virus
COVID-19: clinico-immunologic snapshot of a coronavirus
Helen Meldrum
Covid cascade killed my father
Barry Meisenberg
Inscrutable malice: Ode to a virus
Margaret B. Mitchell and Graham M. Attipoe
Revisiting the “Trolley Problem” in the COVID-19 pandemic
Roger Ruiz Moral
Applause: reflections on The Plague and being a doctor in a pandemic
Anthony Papagiannis
Washing our hands
Steven Perez
A day in Texas
Jayant Radhakrishnan
The wonderful world of vaccines
Jack E. Riggs and Donald R. Newcomer
“An ounce of prevention”: Past and present
Bonnie Salomon
A return to The Plague
Mariella Scerri
The 1918 Pandemic—the collective story versus the personal narrative
Faith and patron saints during the Black Death
Mariella Scerri and Victor Grech
Drawing parallels in pandemic art
To wear or not to wear? Attitudes towards mask wearing then and now
The history of quarantine and contact tracing as surveillance strategies
P. Ravi Shankar
Locked down!
Sanjana Sundara Raj Sreenath
James Stoller, Peter Rea, and Alan Koll
Being our best selves: hidden in full view
Jennifer Summers
A flu that brought nations to a standstill
Kimberly Tranchita
An emergency nurse in the time of Covid FALL ’24
Katherine C. White
Elena Wilson
Covid battleground
Edward Winslow
Have we learned anything from 1918-1919 influenza?
Michael Yafi
Epidemics from plague to Coronavirus
Kelley Zhao