Moustapha Abousamra
Women surgeons
Victoria Bates
Elizabeth Casson
Arpan K. Banerjee
Book review: A History of Women in Medicine and Medical Research
Book review: Meeting the Challenge: Top Women in Science
Cristóbal S. Berry-Cabán
Katherine Anne Porter and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic
Bojana Cokić
Women in medicine in Serbia
Elizabeth A. Coon and Eelco F. M. Wijdicks
Book review: The Doctors Blackwell
Sherrie Dulworth
The book that galvanized a health care transformation
Howard Fischer
Dr. Joycelyn Elders: An unwelcome prophet
Alexa Canady, MD: The first Black woman neurosurgeon
James L. Franklin
Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909–2012): “Chance favors the prepared mind”
Bert Hansen
Medical history on the silver screen: Hollywood’s ten-minute films about medical heroes
Natalie Horakova
Dr. Lucy Hobbs Taylor, DDS
Anne Jacobson
Alice Hamilton: physician and scientist of the dangerous trades
Angela Ann Joseph
Ida Sophia Scudder
Jill Kar
Books, bangles, and bravado
Katie King
Mary Josephine Hannan: portrait of a pioneer
Cynthia Kramer
Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska: immigrant, physician, teacher
William Leeming
Madge Thurlow Macklin: medical genetics
Kevin R. Loughlin
Frances Oldham Kelsey: A medical profile in courage
Byron McGaffey and Ann McGaffey
Hazel Louise McGaffey, MD
Edward McSweegan
Dr. Avery, Medicine Woman
Mary Niles and the Canton rats
Geraldine Miller
Metrodora: Egyptian physician, midwife, and surgeon new
K.S. Mohindra
Mary Poonen Lukose
Sara Nassar
What did Dorothy Reed see?
Maja Nowakowski
Rosalyn Yalow: opinions and actions
Yasaswi Paruchuri
Virginia Apgar: our Jimmy
JMS Pearce
Elizabeth Blackwell, MD
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and smallpox
Colin Phoon
Helen Taussig: founder and mother of pediatric cardiology
Sue Reeves
Cicely Williams and kwashiorkor
Vicent Rodilla and Alicia López-Castellano
Salernitan women
Terri Sinnott
One woman’s journey for a tuberculosis cure
Mariel Tishma
Clara Maass, yellow fever, and the early days of ethical medical testing
The life of a trailblazer: Ogino Ginko, one of the first female doctors in Japan
Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte: tradition, assimilation, and healing
Meg Vigil-Fowler
Dr. Rebecca Cole and racial health disparities in nineteenth-century Philadelphia
Göran Wettrell
Maude Abbott and the early rise of pediatric cardiology
Lady Mary Wortley Montague: variolation against smallpox
Mary Putnam Jacobi, advocate for women in society and medicine
Sophia Louisa Jex-Blake, first British woman doctor
Dorothy Russell: The complete pathologist
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker: A trailblazer for female surgeons (Shabnam Parsa, Leshya Bokka, and Liam Butchart)