Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities


Erik D. Anderson
Dr. David Hartley and the benevolent AI

Joshua Baru and Benjamin Mba
A life cut short

Jonathan Bean, David Ng, Hakan Demirtas, and Patrick Guinan
Medical students’ attitudes toward torture

Tyler Beauchamp
Faith in medicine

Justin M. Le Blanc
Medical Autonomy and Vaccines: A Kantian Imperative

Michaela Clark
Seeing things differently: a reflection on clinical photography

Jack Coulehan
Moral judgment in medicine: “sensibility of heart”

George K. Daikos
PDF Document The Hippokratic Spirit

Nadav Davidovitch
Rethinking public health law and ethics – a regional perspective

Chloé M. DeLisle
A reflection on the authority gained through tradition: how implementing the Hippocratic Oath in medical school commencement helped legitimize the modern American medical profession

Ghislain Devroede
PDF Document Editorial/Commentary: What is Love?

Hanusha Durganaudu
Designer babies: boon or bane?

Karen Dyer
Death and the organ donor

John Brewer Eberly Jr. and Lydia S. Dugdale
On beauty and medical ethics

Charlotte Eliopoulos
Learning the meaning of love

Patrick Fiddes
The Art of Medicine is the essence of medical professionalism FALL ’24

Howard Fischer
Eugenics in Chicago, 1915: Harry Haiselden, M.D., and The Black Stork

Hossam Reda Ghalab
Corruption and organ trafficking in Egyptian medicine

Dean Gianakos
Remembering Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, physician philosopher

Stephanie L. Grach
A student’s call for mentorship

Stefan K. G. Grebe
Religio Medici

Patrick Guinan
PDF Document Hippocrates: Where are you when we need you?
PDF Document Toward a more natural medicine
PDF Document UIC College of Medicine Honor Code is Alive and Well
PDF Document Who is my patient?
Can Hippocrates save modern medicine? A plea to return to our roots
Must life always be prolonged?
The human condition
Is it ethical to bring religion into medicine?
Has medicine lost the ethics battle?
PDF Document Bioterrorism, Embryonic Stem Cells, and Frankenstein

Margaret Morganroth Gullette
Age needs a graying goddess of prophecy and her name shall be Senexa

Piper Haitsuka
Gender identity in the twenty-first century

David O. Irabor
Confidentiality and privacy in public hospitals

Paul Kettl
I’m not sure I’m so ethical

Michael Konik
Let us all be well

Lynn T. Kozlowski
George Orwell and the ethics of dealing in or dealing with cigarettes

Camille Kroll
Enfreakment in the medicalization of difference

Ragini Kulkarni
Ethical dilemmas in surrogacy

Yeji Lee
On being disabled

Wolfgang Lederer
Ambiguity-based evidence

Norelle Lickiss
Spinoza and medical practice: can the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza enrich the thinking of doctors?

Aroop Mangalik
Another look at Hippocrates

Kyra McComas
Pushing back into chaos

Adil Menon
Is there a united Hippocratic school?
Public insurance expansion versus a single payer system
The other pain crisis
Blaming Tuskegee for present ills

Adil Menon and Ali Mchaourab
Pharmaceutical marketing in America

Zared O.
Advancing medical knowledge using nonhuman primate research

Anthony Papagiannis
The flu vaccine: transparency, uncertainty, and trust in medicine

JMS Pearce
Naming diseases
Reader’s response: Is it ethical to bring religion into medicine?
Eugenics: historic and contemporary

Ronald Pies
Is healthcare a right?
End-of-life care and contingent vs. non-contingent duties

Alexandra Pliakopanou
From Sophocles to the frontline

Denise Powell
Drug war or race war? Effects of illegal drug distribution in the African-American community

John Rasko and Carl Power
O Superman

Yasmina Rebani-Lee
Self-regulation in peril

Luisa Alanís Sáenz
I’m not a good man or a bad man, I just follow orders

P. Ravi Shankar
Movie review: Miss Evers’ Boys

Gunjan Sharma
The language game of medicine

Vidushi Sharma
Ethical considerations in treating minors against the wishes of their parents

Lisa Shugoll
The beauty of gender diversity

Richard Sobel
“(W)holistic”: the coining and the connotations

Shane Sobrio
Our divisive political climate and our ability to treat patients without bias

George L. Spaeth
Informed choice versus informed consent

Kumara Raja Sundar
Letting go

Amer Toutonji
Fat by choice: a quest for meaning

Brit Trogen
Aristotelian gender bias in modern depictions of fertilization

Matthew Turner
Preventing the next Mengele

Richard Tully
Medicine and dignity

Sarah Vogt
Diagnosing defectives: Disability, gender and eugenics in the United States, 1910–1924

Unaiza Waheed
Ethics, feminism, and cosmetic surgery

Simon Wein
The Citadel and the Dilemma: Medicine corrupted

Deema al Yousuf, Kathryn Cobain, Shagun Misra, and David Jeffrey
Exploring capacity, consent, and confinement: A humanities-based approach

Moral lessons through pictures
Errare humanum est (Bob Scott)