Fred Gey, father of the antioxidant hypothesis, Alun Evans Eating cheese as medicine, George Dunea Miguel Hernández, Nicolas Robles Medicine and the Jews in the Middle Ages, Shelley Grach |
The changing role of the apothecary, JMS Pearce Harry Haiselden, M.D., and The Black Stork, Howard Fischer Chemical origins of terrestrial biology, David Green Did Scythian men drink mare’s urine?, Andrew Williams |
The ordeal of Mary Ann Bevan, Howard Fischer A tale of two physicians and Albert Göring, Avi Ohry The consultation or last hope |
A case of toxic blood, Shruthi Deivasigamani The Holy Infirmary of the Knights of St. John, Sally Metzler |
Visualizing the paradise within, Ashleigh Frayne Learning compassion – learning forgiveness, Larry Zaroff |
Hektorama Feature: History of Medicine
The death of Charles II
Ambroise Pare on the battlefield
Healthcare for the Popes
The Sun King and his ailments
Lorenzo the Magnificent
King Henry VIII: more ailments than wives
The death of George II
The Emperor and his physicians
The last illness of Edward VI
Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary)
The king who bumped his head