Lealani Acosta
Unfettered grief
Julia Angkeow
The unsung heroes
Agnieszka A. Ardelt
Raison d’être
Katherine Arnup
And a time to die
Arpan K. Banerjee
Book review: Why We Die: The New Science of Ageing and the Quest for Immortality
Kathleen Blanchfield
The spiritual dimension of facilitating advance directives planning: the congregational setting as a vital resource
Peter H. Berczeller
The morning ritual
Rae Brown
The god that I know
Raeford E. Brown
The good death
Christopher H. Cameron
Linda Clarke
How we love
Henri Colt
Sarah’s lesson
Morven Cook
Defining Death in Whose Life is it Anyway?
Alexandra DeFelice
Please don’t die in the hospital
Vincent P. deLuise
The end of sight at the end of life
Ruth Deming
Since I could not stop death, he kindly stopped for me
Lynn Dion
Mr. Hemphill
Loretta S. Downs
A Christmas party
Turning points
Sherrie Dulworth
The book that galvanized a health care transformation
Liam Farrell
Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be
Howard Fischer
Fear of being buried alive
Burial in modern Greece SUM ’24
Rachel Fleishman
La Pieta
Kristin Adams Forner
Amera Hassan
A time to live and a time to die
Fung Kam Yan
A series of messages
Maria Magdalena Geanovu
Cold autumn nights
Florence Gelo and Rosemary Harris
God’s menu
Dean Gianakos
Dr. Gianakos, I think he’s awake now
Last words
Shimon M. Glick
A dying patient’s perspective on truth-telling
Adam O. Goldstein
Bill’s legacy
Frank Gonzalez-Crussi
Is there a good death?
Leah Grant
Goals of care
X.M. Griffiths
Unfinished business: end of life care and regrets in the films of Akira Kurosawa
Chang-Wuk Kang
The fallen leaf
Akshay Khatri
The talk
Geoff Kronik
My father’s glasses
Genevieve Kupsky
Ushers of life
Therese Kwiatkowski
Where is the dignity in death?
Wolfgang Lederer
Allowing my death—a delusory end-of-life decision
Victoria Lim
Why not let her go gently into that good night?
Pedro T. Lima
Life lessons from death
Terry McIntyre
One chaplain’s journey: teaching, hospice, and humanities
Amber Mills, Anthea Gellie, and Michele Levinson
A changing view of death
Lenore M. Montanaro
Going boldly into the night: a reflection on “death with dignity”
Leon Morgenstern
Ice cream or Mozart?
Kera Morris
They would rather go alone
Elizabeth Neglia
Miriam’s stoicism
Joshua Niforatos and Gregory Rutecki
Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and their doctor are dead
Meaghan O’Connor
The sophia and phronesis of modern medicine
Gregory O’Gara
The dying room
Naomi Rachel Oldham
Where am I when my digital footprint persists indefinitely?
Tolani F. Olonisakin
Death and dying
Mary Osborne
My tragedy in retrospect
Mary Liz Overcash
The lady in red
Mary Pan
Do (Not) Attempt
Anthony Papagiannis
Blind date
Three Visits
Death as it should be
A CV for posterity
A wrong time to die
Saying goodbye
Rose Parisi
Medicalization of death and dying: Room for growth in end-of-life care
JMS Pearce
The self-destructive urge
Natalie Perlov
Constance E. Putnam
Anticipatory grieving
Columba Quigley
Lessons from the black hole
Tuhina Raman
A good man
James B. Rickert
Rethinking the knowledge of terminal illness: Is it a quality of life issue?
Marianne Rogoff
Dance with death
Anne L. Rooney
Until I get my strength back
Miriam Rosen
Tracing wisps of hair
Paul C. Rosenblatt
The proximity of death
Paul Rousseau
Gregory Rutecki
Is Daddy a good doctor?
Shelley Sanders
Maggie Schwarz
Father’s Day on the 12th floor
John Henning Schumann
A good death
Tom Sewe
The Lazarus phenomenon: when the dead return to life
Gaetan Sgro
P. Ravi Shankar
Sparing the living
Michael Shen
An act of cowardice
Inge Marry Shikangala
The last talk
Lauren B. Smith
The myth of the white coat
Nina Sokol
No one is speaking
James Stemmle
Piano lessons
Pallavi Tatapudy
The good shepherd
Carole A. Travis-Henikoff
Death, a part of life
Caroline Wellbery
Living well before we die
As my mother lay dying (Peter Meyers)
Dream on (Paul Rousseau)
Gulliver at Luggnagg – learning about the immortal struldbrugs (abridged)
Plato’s and Bacon’s views on the role of medical care for chronic diseases