Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Category: Africa

  • Omugwo: A celebration of motherhood

    Rita Oghenero OmueroChicago, Illinois, United States In the days leading up to her due date, I called my sister, Chioma.“Sister, how far?” I greeted her in our usual way.“I dey o!” she responded. I could hear the fatigue in her voice.“When did the doctor say the baby was coming?” I asked.“Some days, or a week…

  • Lessons in infection prevention from Ugandan culture

    José de la FuenteCiudad Real, Spain The study of ancient cultures may provide insights for modern biomedical advances.1,2 Uganda, known as the “Pearl of Africa,” is a diverse country with many ethnic groups, including the Baganda or Ganda, Acholi, Iteso, Ankole, and Bugisu. The Uganda Museum, established in 1908 in the capital Kampala, is the…

  • A conspicuous eye problem in sickness masks from Southeast Nigeria

    Peter de SmetNijmegen, Netherlands The Ibibio and Igbo peoples in southern Nigeria commemorate their deceased ancestors in masquerades, in which beautiful masks depict good ancestors, while ugly masks portray those who roam about as spirits inflicting illness and misfortune if moral laws are broken. These ugly masks may show twisted or eaten-away noses and lips,…

  • Diary of a doctor

    Perpetual Enefuwa SalamiBenin City, Nigeria The following is a work of fiction. It was my first day working as a resident physician at Emis Clinic. I recall crying my eyes out the day I finally received a transfer letter. I was elated, accidentally booted my dog to the next room whilst dancing in excitement. I’d…

  • Gruesome traditional medical practices in Nigeria

    Joshua Obase-Otumoyi OforCalabar, Nigeria Among the various traditional practices that victimize women and girls in Nigeria, female genital mutilation (FGM) is the most reprehensible. It consists of removing part or all of the sensitive female genital organs including the prepuce, clitoris, and labia majora and minora. This surgery is done on girls of nearly all…

  • The Sufi healers of Sudan: Caring for those without care

    Ahmed Elhag Albany County, New York, United States Traditional medicine has been the dominant form of healthcare for much of human history. To many today, traditional medicine has been reduced to an occasional alternative to be used either in addition to or at times in place of conventional care. However, in several rural and secluded areas…

  • The man who hated hospital

    Emeka Chibuikem V.Enugu State, Nigeria An emergency patient was in critical condition. The staff nurse on duty moved swiftly to attend to him. Then she went to the waiting hall to meet with the patient’s family and asked them why they had waited so long before bringing him to the hospital. They stared at her,…

  • C. Louis Leipoldt: The polymath physician and literary giant

    Stephen FinnSouth Africa Looking out across a landscape of dramatic mountains and purple and orange sunsets is a small cave. Listen carefully in this desolate place in a western corner of South Africa, and you will hear in the distance the sound of a banjo being plucked. Interred in this cave at his request are…

  • Origin of yellow fever

    Enrique Chaves-Carballo Kansas City, Kansas, United States The origin of yellow fever has been a controversial subject since the disease appeared in the New World. William C. Gorgas, who was responsible for the sanitation of Cuba and Panama, believed that yellow fever originated in Panama.1 Henry R. Carter, from the U.S. Marine Hospital Service and director…

  • All too human: The mountain gorillas of Uganda

    James L. FranklinChicago, Illinois, United States The Ugandan mountain gorilla is a member of the Hominidae family, also known as the great Apes. The extant species include: the orangutan, the eastern and western gorilla, the chimpanzee, the bonobo, and ourselves—Homo sapiens. The mountain gorilla is one of two subspecies of the eastern gorilla. The one…