Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities


A – J

MAS Ahmed and Victoria Turnock
The history of the stethoscope

Chris Arthur
Matters of the heart

Carrie Barron
Character, genius, and a missing person in medicine

Riccardo Benvenuto and Maria Serratto-Benvenuto
Saving hearts and art

Emily Boyle
The heart of Giselle

Frank Buchar
Heart to heart

Joseph Burns and Yehuda Shapir
Richard J. Bing: reflecting on a century of creativity and innovation

George Dunea
William Withering and the foxglove
Jean Corvisart: Napoleon’s physician
Sir James Mackenzie—1853–1925
Sir Thomas Lewis: the promise of electrocardiography
Clifford Allbutt
Paul Wood: In Memoriam
Graham Steell of the murmur
Austin Flint: eminent American physician
Michael Servetus (c. 1511–1553)
Andrea Cesalpino (c. 1520–1603)
Realdo Colombo (c. 1515–1559)
Ibn al-Nafis and the pulmonary circulation
Dominic Corrigan (1802–1880)
Cecil Rhodes: The man with a hole in his heart

Daniel M. Gelfman
Remembering Sir Thomas Lewis’ contribution to understanding heart failure

Daniel M. Gelfman and Thad E. Wilson
The importance of the “The David Sign”

Frank Gonzalez-Crussi
Of metaphoric hearts

Victor Grech
The heart in Star Trek

Richard de Grijs and Daniel Vuillermin
Measure of the heart: Santorio Santorio and the Pulsilogium

Jason J. Han
Coronary moments: reflections on the impossible anastomosis

K – P

Janice Kehler and Chris Kehler
Grokking: Cardiac rehabilitation by another name

Philip R. Liebson
René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec and the stethoscope
William Harvey
Willem Einthoven and the string galvanometer
The First Russian Revolution: 1905–1913
James Bryan Herrick
Lewis Atterbury Conner: Cofounder of the American Heart Association
The early history of anticoagulants: 1915–1948
The electrocardiographic diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and infarction: 1917-1942
Cournand and Richards: Pioneers in cardiopulmonary physiology
Adrian Kantrowitz: The IABA and the LVAD
Christiaan Barnard and the first heart transplant
Dr. Robert E. Gross and first operations in cardiovascular surgery
Samuel A. Levine
Paul Dudley White
Dr. Bernard Lown

Donatella Lippi, Giuseppe Mascia, and Luigi Padeletti
The pulsilogium and the diagnosis of love sickness

Matko Marusic
Coronary heart disease

Jeremy Parker
Raymond de Vieussens

Jimmy Tam Huy Pham
John Brereton Barlow: The “Mitral Valve” Cardiologist
Harold James Charles (Jeremy) Swan: the man behind the “sailing catheter”

Michael Potts
A theologian answers questions about the heart: St. Thomas Aquinas’ De Motu Cordis

R – Z

Mahesh Raju
Andreas Roland Gruentzig

Fiona Robertson
The stethoscope

Stuart Rosenbush
Defibrillation and Treadmill

Ramin Sam
History of endocarditis

Terry Wahls
The vaudeville revue

Daly Walker

Göran Wettrell
Maude Abbott and the early rise of pediatric cardiology
Echocardiogram: the first ultrasound picture of the moving heart
Early clinical and molecular discoveries in Long QT Syndrome
Jean-Baptiste de Sénac and his early textbook on cardiology
Two giants in thoracic surgery: Clarence Crafoord and Åke Senning
From bedside to bench: The discovery of calmodulinopathy new


Paul Wood on history-taking
William Heberden on angina pectoris, 1772 

Human heart in Descartes’s De Homine
William Harvey before King Charles I
James Hardy, heart and lung transplant pioneer
C. Walton Lillehei, father of open-heart surgery
Rene Favaloro—Father of cardiac bypass surgery (Arpan K. Banerjee)
Sunao Tawara