“The trial” of Dr. Spock
Howard FischerUppsala, Sweden “Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale.”1— Rudolf Virchow, M.D. (1821-1902) “It took me until my sixties to realize that politics was a part of pediatrics.”2— Benjamin Spock, M.D. Benjamin McLane Spock (1903-1998) was an American pediatrician and author of Baby and Child…
Medical and other memories of the Cold War and its Iron Curtain
Hugh Tunstall-Pedoe Dundee, Scotland, UK In 1946, Winston Churchill named the political barrier appearing between the Soviet bloc and the West the “Iron Curtain.” It lasted until 1991. I met or crossed it several times. The first time was around 1950. The family flew a war-surplus box-kite on Parliament Hill, overlooking Hampstead, London. The reel broke.…