Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: dentist

  • Dr. Lucy Hobbs Taylor, DDS

    Natalie Horakova Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic   Lucy Hobbs Taylor. Photo via Kansas Historical Society Kansapedia. “I am a New Yorker by birth, but I love my adopted country—the West. To it belongs the credit of making it possible for women to be recognized in the dental profession on equal terms with men.” – Dr.…

  • African American contract doctors in the military

    Edward McSweegan Kingston, Rhode Island, United States   African American Soldiers in Cuba, 1898, Wikipedia In the spring of 1898, the United States rushed into a war with Spain but lacked adequate troops, training, weapons, transport, supplies, food, landing craft, and medical personnel. One deficit that could be corrected before the shooting started was the…

  • Blood at Maidan – Kyiv, Ukraine 2014

    Olena KaguiRhode Island, United States There was no physical blood present when I stepped onto Maidan Square in Kyiv, Ukraine. Yet signs of it were everywhere. Bullet holes pierced the shields and helmets that memorialized the fallen. Flowers, the color of blood, sat inside the cavern of the helmet. The space, once occupied by a…

  • Dentistry by candlelight

    Thanks to modern anesthesia a visit to the dentist is now a pretty painless affair. This was not the case until relatively recently, and certainly not so in the seventeenth century, when dental services were often rendered by itinerant barber-surgeons. In the painting by Leiden artist Gerrit Dou, the tooth puller is extracting a tooth…

  • The promise of a perfect smile

    Liz JonesAberystwyth, Wales, UK My gran would pull a miniature silver blade from its mother-of-pearl handle and slice the apple into six pieces to share between the two of us. Eating it that way aided digestion, she would tell me. I was not sure what digestion was, or why it needed our aid, but I…

  • The last of the “just”

    R. SteinbergCambridge, Massachusetts, United States My dentist approached the chair to crown one of my favorite teeth. I am a retired orthopedic surgeon, and a fearful dental patient. I smiled sadly, and opened. When she removed the swab, I proposed a challenge. “Could you get through one day of patients without saying ‘just’?” She grinned.…

  • The trapped peasant

    Alexandru Gh. SonocSibiu, Romania A strange looking dentist (tall hat, long hair, goatee, sword, tall boots) is pulling a peasant’s tooth. Behind the peasant, a woman (traditionally considered as his wife, but more likely a prostitute) opens a purse hanging together with a dagger on his belt, and picks some coins from it. Behind the…