Layla A. Al-Jailani
Obstetrical fistula: A malady hidden by shame
Alexandros Argyriadis and Agathi Argyriadi
Female Genital Mutilation: cultural practices, historical moments, and medical issues
Maria Barn
Dead people healing alcoholism
Alan Blum and Kevin Bailey
What a newspaper advice columnist had to say about smoking…in 1691 SUM ’24
Aneesa Bodiat
Mixing medicine – religion and science
Barry Bogin
Rachel Fleming and the non-reality of “racial types”
Sinem Çaka, Nursan Çınar, and Sümeyra Topal
A traditional practice in baby care: salting
George Dunea
Marc Ruffer, founder of paleopathology
Studying mummies and eggs: The delights of paleopathology
Adolf Bastian, pioneering anthropologist
Margaret Mead (1901–1978), controversial anthropologist pioneer new
Howard Fischer
Tattoos in the twentieth century
Spirit possession in Jewish folklore: The dybbuk
Florence Gelo and Rosemary Harris
When you cannot decide witch doctor to consult
Carole A. Travis Henikoff
Cannibalism: just what the doctor ordered
Shabrina Jarrell
The interplay of spirituality and traditional medicine in Indonesia
Zeynel Karcioglu
An emigrant doctor’s linguistic journey on crutches
Donia Khafaga
A story of the oppressed
Philip R. Liebson
Dr. Aufderheide and the mummies
Olga Loeber
The evolution of attitude towards sexual health in the Netherlands
Friedrich C. Luft and Detlev Ganten
Rudolf Virchow and the anthropology of race
Bernardo Ng
Haunted by a living spirit
Oyinade Osisanya
Yellow Fever: Harmful habit or new frontier in identity dysphoria?
Charles Paccione
The anthropology of chronic pain
Debi Roberson
Mind the translation gap
C. Anthony Ryan and Bridget Maher
Pediatric pishogues
Özge Suzan and Nursan Çinar
The role of lullabies in mother-baby attachment
Søren Ventegodt
The thousand-year-old rainforest shamanistic tradition of healing touch
Judith Wagner
Death by voodoo: truth or tale?
Simon Wein
The snake, the staff, and the healer
The pyramids of Petach Tikvah
Larry Zaroff
To mount a camel
More on Arthur Aufderheide, the mummy doctor (1922–2013)
Paul Farmer, MD (1959–2022) new