Tulsi Patel
Chicago, Illinois, United States

Paint chips
Plume of smoke
Plume of feathers
Peach pits
Petty parrot
In muddled speech dwells a world unknown,
Where ordered words once danced, now overthrown.
Broca’s realm, a twisted maze,
Where language hides in veiled haze.
The mind’s expression, bound and tied,
An overpass collapsed, connections dried.
Thoughts in motion, stammer and strain,
Lost in echoes, a speech in vain.
Within this labyrinthine net,
Emotions trapped, unspoken yet.
A voice within, seeks to be heard,
But the words escape, like cheetah’s prey
Raveled syntax, jumbled clues,
A tapestry of words, lost and confused.
TULSI PATEL is a medical student in the MD/MPH program at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Patel graduated from Columbia University with a BA in Neuroscience & Behavior in 2019.
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