Eleonore Blaurock-Busch

I miss my people and my home,
but don’t send me back. I don’t have a passport,
no papers. Dad gave them to my husband-to-be,
the one who couldn’t take me now,
and I am not sad about it.
I am crying about my sister.
They cut her up, sewed her tight
and her fat, old husband, he likes them young,
you know what he did . . .
She bled to death that night. She was twelve.
These are sacred customs, Dad said
and troublemakers don’t last long.
I knew what he meant,
ran away, right after the funeral.
Mother gave me money.
I hitchhiked, went into hiding,
took trains, boats—paid with everything,
I’ve told you almost all that happened,
you wouldn’t want to know more.
If you send me back, they cut me up like her
or kill me, which is the same.
I can’t go back. I broke the law,
I am fourteen
and I shamed them.
ELEONORE BLAUROCK-BUSCH, PhD, founded the US toxicology Laboratory TRACE MINERALS INTERNATIONAL INC of Boulder, Colorado in 1984 and MICRO TRACE MINERALS of Hersbruck, Germany in 1975 and remains as Research Director at Micro Trace Minerals Laboratory in Germany. She is advisor to the German Medical Association of Clinical Metal Toxicologists and a member of the British Society for Ecological Medicine. In 2019, she received a MSc in Creative Writing from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Her work has appeared in journals worldwide. Her books were published in English, German, and French and she is a regular contributor to medical journals. Her poetry has appeared in Hektoen International, The Mitre, the Potomac, and the Edinburgh University Literary Journal.
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