Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Royal College of Surgeons

  • James Syme, the Napoleon of surgery (1799–1870)

    James Syme was born in Edinburgh in the year when Napoleon became First Consul, and in later years came to be called the Napoleon or Wellington of surgery.1-6 As a young man he had an interest in chemistry and at age eighteen developed a method of making textiles impermeable to water by impregnating them with…

  • Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, 600 years of history

    Rosa Monteserín NadalEap Sardenya, Barcelona, Spain The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona is the oldest hospital in Spain. It was founded in 1401, after a pest plague and famine caused six medieval hospitals in Barcelona to merge and form the Hospital de la Santa Creu. This functioned until the 1930s,…