Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Obstetrics

  • Gynecology and obstetrics

    Matko MarusicCroatia This essay is reprinted from Medicine from Inside (Medicina iznutra) by Matko Marusic, 2006, and translated from Croatian into English by Dr. Mario Malicki. A mountain farmer’s voice reached me from the window of the student hall: “We cannot play on Saturday.” I could not believe it! I had arranged for a soccer…

  • Emotional medicine

    Lauren ForeDominica, West Indies Over the past several months, I have come to the realization that when my role of medical student switches to patient, most of my rational medical knowledge goes out the window. Last month, my husband and I found out that we were expecting our first child. We had just started trying…

  • In the OR

    Kelly KleinMichigan, United States I work at a large teaching hospital as an Emergency Department social worker. It is easy to get lost in a place that large, so I am accustomed to helping people get to various areas of the hospital. But on this day, I was not prepared for the charge nurse’s request…

  • Breastfeeding

    Gloria GrahamRancho Mirage, California, United States Many studies support the importance of breastfeeding in childhood development. The World Health Organization recommends that a child breastfeed for at least two years. The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies, with some exceptions, be exclusively breastfed for about six months and continue breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods…

  • A royal pregnancy gone wrong

    George Dunea Perhaps one of the most famous pregnancies gone wrong was that of Princess Charlotte, the granddaughter of King George III and in line to someday succeed to the throne of England. Brought up in a royal household wreaked by dissension, she grew up rebellious, capricious, and ill-mannered, but settled down after her marriage…

  • Birth of Adonis

     George Dunea In his version of an ancient Greek myth, Ovid tells what he calls the horrible story of Myrrha developing an incestuous passion for her father, the king of Cyprus. After becoming pregnant, she flees to escape punishment and appeals to the gods to take pity on her. She is transformed into a myrrh…

  • Birth of Mary

     George Dunea The story of the birth of the Virgin comes not from the Scriptures but from the apocryphal Gospel of James, probably written about AD 145. It tells that Anna and Joachim were infertile but prayed for a child and were promised that such a child would advance God’s plan of salvation of the…

  • Birth of Bacchus

     George Dunea Bacchus (Dionysus), god of wine, fertility, and ritual or religious ecstasies, was born under trying circumstances. His mother, Semele, already with child from Jupiter, was induced by a jealous Juno to insist he visit her as a god, not disguised as a mortal. When Jupiter appeared to her the way he really was,…

  • The colorful birth of Saint Augustine of Hippo

    Among the many paintings that celebrate the advent of a new life, this one by the talented Venetian artist Antonio Vivarini (1418-1484) is perhaps the most colorful. Now shown at the Courtauld Gallery in London, “Birth of Saint Augustine” displays in colorful palette the saintly figures wearing bright yellow halos, the mother covered with a…

  • Why are most babies born at night?

    “Obstetrics is not the pleasantest of medical occupations, although it pays well and is one of the things that the young physician with any kind of practice can count on as a as financial backlog. Yet it takes a great deal of time and means a lot of night work. While the statement may not…