Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: mineralogy

  • Agricola’s De re metallica: an early description of industrial diseases

    Abstracted from IML Donaldson, J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2015; 45: 180 and 248. © 2015 RCPE Georg Bauer was born in Saxony in 1494 and went by the name of Georgius Agricola because in his time academicians often latinized their name, so that Bauer in German translated into Agricola, meaning peasant or farmer. He…

  • Novalis: The white plague and the blue flower

    Nicolas Roberto Robles Badajoz, Spain Novalis was the pseudonym and pen name of Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr1 von Hardenberg, a poet, author, mystic, and philosopher of early German Romanticism. Young Hardenberg adopted the pen name “Novalis” from his twelfth-century ancestors who named themselves “de Novali” after their settlement Grossenrode, or Magna Novalis (Latin translation for Neubruchland…