Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Los Angeles

  • Healing in the face of cultural devastation

    Patrick FlynnLos Angeles, California, United States In 1855, a young Crow boy, no more than ten years old, ventured to the top of a mountain in present-day Montana. Over the next two decades, the boy would rise through the ranks of his tribe’s political structure, ultimately being elected chief at the age of twenty-nine. But…

  • When needs trumped faith and dogma: Early twentieth century Los Angeles women’s social conscience

    Saty Satya-MurtiSanta Maria, California, United StatesMichael EnghLos Angeles, California, United States In early twentieth century Los Angeles, efforts to improve social conditions and meet the needs of the underserved and deprived often sprang from faith-based social organizations. Two notable women pioneers, Mary Julia Workman (1871-1964) and Katherine B. Higgins (1880-1967), strove to elevate the social…

  • Have we learned anything from 1918–1919 influenza?

    Edward WinslowWilmette, Illinois, United States The 2020 viral pandemic (COVID-19),1 in spite of being caused by a novel virus family, bears striking epidemiological and social resemblance to the influenza pandemic of 1918.2 Both appeared suddenly and caused severe disease around the globe.3 The 1918 contagion is considered one of the worst in world history4 and…