Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Lewis Thomas

  • Dr. Fritz Kahn and medical infographics

    Howard Fischer Uppsala, Sweden   Der Mensch als Industriepalast (Man as Industrial Palace). A human head in profile divided into offices, staffed by little men, and areas of industrial production. Artwork by Fritz Kahn in Das Leben des Menschen; eine volkstümliche Anatomie, Biologie, Physiologie und Entwick-lungs-geschichte des Menschen (Kosmus publishers, Stuttgart, 1926). Chromolithograph. Via the…

  • Everyone is too busy

    Everyone, even the visitors, seems pressed for time. . . . The Hippocratic adage, “Art is life long, Life is short” is speeded up to a blur. Everyone is too busy, urgently doing something else, and there is no longer enough time for the old meditative, speculative ward rounds or the amiable conversations at bedside.…