Tag: electrocardiography
The electrocardiographic diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and infarction: 1917–1942
Philip R. LiebsonChicago, Illinois, United States Although myocardial infarction and angina pectoris had been recognized as serious heart conditions associated with sudden death since the 19th century (based primarily on patient symptoms of chest pain and pathologic correlations of involvement primarily of the left ventricle), James B. Herrick’s classic 1912 paper on the association of…
Willem Einthoven and the string galvanometer
Philip R. LiebsonChicago, Illinois, United States “I do not imagine that electrocardiography is likely to find very extensive use in the hospital . . . It can at most be of rare and occasional use to afford a record of some anomaly of cardiac action.”—Augustus D. Waller, 1911 Perhaps the earliest technical device that was…