Tag: Daniel Thomas Moran
Life savings
Daniel MoranWebster, New Hampshire, United States Aging is the bankwhich accepts deposits,and will not evergive them back.But it does have itstiny catalogue ofcompensations. I recall thoseancient days whenopening that accountmight earn you a newtoaster or blender,a set of steak knives.This week, afterfinding out that thethe steamy apparition,which has taken upresidence near the foul polein the…
Daniel MoranWebster, New Hampshire, United States I love the world.When it does notencroach. When peopledo not knockat my door.I want to knowwhat is happening.Out therebetween commercials. I want to worship.But I findnothing sacred.So I am contentedwith bottomless thinking.About theblossom of daylight,And the complexionof the darkness. I roll it around,forcing it intothe deep cornersof my skull.…