Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Benjamin Haile

  • December fall

    James BallardHershey, Pennsylvania, United States Poet’s statement Those of us who care for patients at the end of life realize the importance of closure (i.e., the settling of unfinished business, misunderstandings, and disputes between patients and their families and friends before death). This poem begins and ends with images of an early December day seen…

  • Beech Leaves

    L.N. AllenTrumbull, Connecticut, United States Poet’s statement This poem is about resurrection, no matter how improbable. Beech leaves When birches, cottonwoods, sourwoods, hickoriesyews, willows, ginkgos, and even miserly oaks—Jove’s own tree—have cast away their summer leaveslike shunting off grandparents to nursing homeswhere they can die unseen, beeches hang on to theirsthrough breathless winter. By the…

  • Leaving you behind

    MarahRutland, United Kingdom Poet’s statement It seems only yesterday my beloved died. Months have passed and life is moving on, whether I want it to or not. This poem solidified itself in my mind as I felt caught between having to move on, while still desperately clinging to all he meant to me. Leaving you…