Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Abortion

  • Professor Bernhardi, a play by Arthur Schnitzler, M.D.

    Howard FischerUppsala, Sweden “A spiteful something has been fabricated out of an innocent nothing.”—Dr. Löwenstein in Professor Bernhardi Professor Bernhardi: A Comedy in Five Acts (1912) is one of seventeen plays written by Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931), a Viennese physician who also published two novels and twelve short stories or novellas. He belonged to a non-observant…

  • Risking it all to save strangers—Remembering Gisella Perl

    Jacquline MusgravePeoria, Arizona, United States Her hands were cracked and covered in mud and dirt as she delivered the baby, broke its little neck, closed its eyes, and buried it in a hole outside. No one would know about this baby, or the others who would meet the same fate. She did it to save…

  • Notes on a first abortion

    Henry Bair Stanford, California, United States The first time I saw a late-term abortion by dilation and evacuation, I was surprised that it was a fairly minor procedure. I was to observe the termination at twenty-three weeks of gestation as part of my obstetrics-gynecology rotation, and while the procedure can be performed in a clinic rather…

  • Hippocrates, abortion, and cutting for stone

    John RaffenspergerFort Meyers, Florida, United States Physicians who take The Oath of Hippocrates swear not to perform abortions or operate for bladder stones: Similarly, I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both in my life and art. I will not use the knife,…

  • The evolution of attitude towards sexual health in the Netherlands

    Olga LoeberNijmegen, Netherlands Introduction The Netherlands is thought of as a progressive society compared to other countries, but this is actually a recent development. In 1885, the Neo Malthusian League (NMB) published a brochure titled: “Means to prevent large families.” Founded in 1881, NMB stated that there would be: “no improvement of the race without…

  • The missing chapter in our curriculum

    Alexandra AdamsHershey, Pennsylvania A fourteen-year-old girl, large with child, presented to her community health center in northern Uganda. Blood was rushing down her legs, and she was doubled over in pain. Immediately, the medical officer called the ambulance. Tears ran down the girl’s face—she never wanted this baby. She had asked the nurses to help…

  • The doctor in literature: The abortion and the abortionist

    Solomon PosenSydney, Australia “I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life andmy art.”1“It’s an awfully simple operation.”2 The clinical scenario of a physician confronted by a desperate woman begging for a termination of her pregnancy is extremely common in the real…

  • Plaintive music

    Ron DomenPennsylvania, United States Poet’s statement The loss of an unborn child through miscarriage, abortion, or premature death is always a highly charged emotional event for the parents. My poem is an attempt to not only capture the emotion of such an event but also to be mindful that life is renewed. The inspiration for…