Mark King
I want
Sucking in parchment over yellowed ribs
Lungs clutching at thin air
Like a crone’s wizened claw
I want
Not like infatuation
Nor envy, nor greed
More like desperation
But without the passion
I want urgently
But with resignation
I turn my eyes up to plead
And to submit
I want to live
And I want to die
Poet’s statement
My father died of pancreatic cancer a few years ago, and since then other family members and friends have developed cancer. Some have recovered, perhaps temporarily, while for others the prospect is one of inevitable decline, raising questions about when the point is reached where death is preferable to life. This poem expresses the ambiguity of visceral urges which could be towards either continued life or a relieving death.
Thin, thin, thin
My life is thin
No substance
No interest
But not ascetic
Pale, hungry
Thin, famished, thin
Restless eyes
Restless hands
Looking, but
No interest
Nothing engages
Thin, gaunt, thin
Teflon fingers
Teflon mind
All slips
Grasped briefly
Not cast aside
Just slips
Thin, fragile
Eggshell fragments
Poet’s statement
This poem anticipates the feelings generated by age and lingering illness – a sense of mental as well as physical wasting, and a gradual detachment from the world, becoming almost insubstantial. It is an attempt at empathy with my father during the months leading up to his death from pancreatic cancer, during which his physical changes were paralleled by the relinquishment of his plans, intentions and hopes.
MARK KING’s poetry has some overlap with his career, and some with his personal life. He has worked in road safety research and policy for three decades, in government and academia. While much of this work is detached from the everyday experiences of road crash victims, there are particularly poignant crashes and victims which confront with their immediacy and emotional content, suiting the media of poetry and prose rather than scientific writing. He also draws on the experiences of his wife (a medical anthropologist), and the personal experiences of family and friends who have been seriously ill—to explore the emotions, fears and resolutions which emerge in these situations.
Highlighted in Frontispiece Volume 2, Issue 2 – Spring 2010
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