Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: pneuma

  • Experimental evidence for the humoral circulatory system

    Mark GrayKansas City, Kansas Humoralism, otherwise known as Hellenistic or Galenic medicine, posited the existence of four humors that were required to be kept in balance to maintain health. Blood was special among these humors, believed to deliver both physical and spiritual nourishment to the body.1 To a modern scientist, the physiology ancient Greek physicians…

  • Where philosophy and medicine overlap

    Mariami ShanshashviliTbilisi, Georgia In Plato’s Charmides there is a remark by Socrates that is neither distinctively impressive nor remarkably original but interesting for the notably broad range of references, including the perception characteristic to ancient Greeks, the origins of the Greek medicine, and the philosophy of Empedocles, Alcmaeon, and other Pre-Socratics.1 In this passage young…

  • Nature telling her secrets: the Kepler–Descartes connection

    Ronald FishmanChicago, Illinois, United States Nature tells us one secret in terms of another, and she may refuse to disclose one secret until another has been laid bare.– T.S. Kuhn1 In 1604, Johannes Kepler solved the problem of how light is refracted within the eye to produce an image on the surface of the retina. This problem…