Tag: Lynn Veach Sadler
The divine leaf: Physick and the cause for physick
Lynn Veach SadlerBurlington, NC, United States Columbus is believed to have rebuked his crew for sharing the Indians’ “drinking” of the smoke of tobacco through toboca/tobaga pipes and chewing its dried leaves. He was among the first to discover its addictiveness. The Whites in his wake also smoked the calumet and received, legend claims, knowledge from…
Beyond negativity
Lynn SadlerPittsboro, North Carolina, United States My husband Emory and I have traveled to China five times since participating in the (Eisenhower) People to People’s Citizen Ambassador Program from May 21 through June 2, 1995. Then we were members of a “Biofeedback Delegation to the People’s Republic of China” and visited educational and medical facilities and tourist…
Baghdad Medical City
Lynn SadlerPittsboro, North Carolina, United States Can humans build and destroy simultaneously? Can they erect a gigantic, sprawling hospital complex as bombs drop, scud missiles home in, and anti-aircraft fire fills the air with flak? The Medical City of Central Baghdad perhaps cleanses some of our views of history. Few of us are aware that…
Found and lost in Vietnam
Lynn SadlerBurlington, North Carolina, United States War alters, shapes, and re-shapes far different ends even for members of the same family. Clarence Leon (“Boone”) McNeill (1947-1969) and Joseph Nelson Hargrove (1951-1975) are illustrative not only in that telling way but also salute the tenacity of Americans in honoring their veterans. Their names are inscribed on…