Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: liver cirrhosis

  • There is power in the blood

    Mark TanNorthwest Deanery, UK “Carne fa carne e vino fa sango” [Meat makes flesh and wine makes blood]—Italian proverb Laura was covered in blood when the paramedics arrived at her house. Her husband, in a state of shock, had gathered every available towel in the vicinity, but it seemed too little and too late. Blood…

  • “I’m really bad with numbers”: Using the mini mental status examination among farm workers in rural California

    Bernardo NgImperial County, California, United States In 1975, Dr. Marshal F. Folstein and his colleagues at Tufts University published the seminal paper “Mini-mental state. A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician.”1 Since then, this test has been widely used by clinicians both to screen for cognitive deficits when a…