Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Little Dorrit

  • The locked-in syndrome in fiction

    JMS PearceHull, England The soul is trapped in a body that no longer obeys its commands.—A. Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, 1844 The pediatric neurologist Richard E. Nordgren and colleagues in 1971 described seven cases of what they called “The Locked In Syndrome.”1 Plum and Posner’s classic monograph comprehensively reviewed the condition and distinguished…

  • Charles Dickens and his doctors

    Charles Dickens, one the greatest authors in the English language, featured in his novels medical doctors, students, and related professionals. They do not play an important role in his plots, but are interesting because they exemplify how medical practice was conducted two hundred years ago. Some of his doctors were benevolent and generous, others incompetent,…

  • A Dickensian medical education

    Gregory RuteckiLyndhurst, Ohio, United States My four grandparents were Polish immigrants who came to America in the early twentieth century. They had no formal education, neither in Poland nor in their new home in Chicago, but worked hard and saved money to pay for the college education of their grandchildren. Life was not easy for…

  • From Merdle to Madoff (Charles Dickens)

    They found him sprawled out in his bath, ‘lying in it as in a grave or sarcophagus . . . the white marble at the bottom of the bath veined with a dreadful red . . . on his side an empty laudanum-bottle and a tortoise-shell handled penknife–soiled, but not with ink.’ ‘Separation of jugular…