Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: germaphobia

  • The medicine in our stars

    Nishitha BujalaHyderabad, Telangana, India I have been fascinated by the night sky for as long as I can remember. I would see the tiny, indiscernible stars and wonder if there was a bigger meaning to the world than what I had perceived. As I grew up, I began to realize it was not the stars…

  • Abbott Handerson Thayer’s art and fin de siècle American culture

    Gregory RuteckiCleveland, Ohio, United States Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849–1921) straddled the fin de siècle, and with his brush preserved an American counterculture for posterity. His variegated oeuvre reflects substantive reflections of his period’s medical and religious culture, as well as the earliest American naturalism. His was a momentous time as science unfolded the implications of…