Tag: Emil von Behring
Emil von Behring and passive antibody therapy
In a March 1929 editorial, the British Medical Journal referred to Emil von Behring (1854–1917) as one of the greatest benefactors of humanity. Recipient of the first-ever Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and awarded a title of nobility, the German physiologist who developed a serum for treating diphtheria and tetanus was showered with orders…
The hunt for a yellow fever therapy
Edward McSweegen Kingston, Rhode Island, United States Roux’s syringe for delivering antitoxin, The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Source In March 2020, a research group in China reported the use of convalescent plasma to treat ten patients suffering from coronavirus COVID-19 infections.1 This type of therapy—passive immunization—dates back to 1891 when the German bacteriologist Emil…