Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Age

  • The old women of Francisco Goya

    Time is running out for these two decrepit old crones who clearly have seen better days. In this 1820 painting titled El Tiempo, Francisco Goya shows the figure of Cronos hovering over the two women, ready to sweep them away with a broom into the memory of time. The woman in white, her face besmirched…

  • Five Untitled Poems

    Simon PerchikEast Hampton, New York, United States * Slowly the glass, half filled, halfmelting down for a slippernot yet hardened into light is flickering the way a moonstill sets itself on firethen changes into taking its time and you become an old womanwith a cane, around and aroundas if this rim at last remembers overflows…

  • Age needs a graying goddess of prophecy and her name shall be Senexa

    Margaret Morganroth GulletteWaltham, MA, USA Age needs a tutelary deity, a woke goddess for the Age of Alzheimer’s and the Age of Longevity. We all deserve a powerful, honored, and glorious crone, representing our values and our value. Here, transparently, before your open eyes, I venture to create a symbol. The Goddess of Age looks much like…

  • Immigrants, all

    Eric PfeifferTampa, Florida, USA Poet’s statement I am so lucky. My poems write themselves. I only listen. Immigrants, allOld age was a foreign countrywhen I first came here,another language spoken,and customs hard to understand. But I have learned the language.Sometimes I even dreamin my new tonguethough idioms still elude me. I tried to ask the…