Hektoen International

A Journal of Medical Humanities

Tag: Agatha Christie

  • Agatha Christie, nurse

    Linda CarterCarpinteria, California, United States It is not well known that Agatha Christie (1890–1976), the most published author of all time,1 served as a Red Cross nurse volunteer in World War I. Beginning in 1914, she logged 3,400 hours of supportive care in a temporary hometown hospital. That same year, twenty-four-year-old Agatha Miller married first…

  • Agatha Christie’s poisons: Better dying through chemistry

    Howard FischerUppsala, Sweden “Everything is a poison. Nothing is a poison. It is all a matter of dose.”– Claude Bernard, French physiologist (1813–1878) Agatha Christie (1890–1976) wrote sixty-six detective novels, fourteen collections of short stories, and three plays. She is the best selling fiction writer ever published, with two billion books sold. Her works have…

  • Delicious death in Agatha Christie

    Sylvia A. PamboukianMoon Township, Pennsylvania, United States It is a truth rarely acknowledged that an Agatha Christie village is a Jane Austen village gone wrong. Village spinsters still talk scandal over cozied tea pots, and plump vicars still carve Sunday roast with ecclesiastical dignity. So far, so good. However, in a Christie village, the tea-table…

  • To Sir, with gratitude

    Anthony PapagiannisThessaloniki, Greece When I was twelve my late grandfather, seeing that I was disinclined to study English, made me an offer I could hardly ignore. “If you learn English,” he said, “then we shall go to America together,” knowing that this was a boyhood dream of mine. A few years later, at the age…