Category: Chicago Medicine
Seminal contributions from chiefs of surgery at the University of Illinois
Jayant RadhakrishnanAnthony Chin Chicago, Illinois, United States In May of 1881, Drs. Charles Warrington Earle and Abraham Reeves Jackson conceived of a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago (P&S). A core group of physicians immediately procured the necessary licenses and certificates and purchased a lot on Harrison and Honore Streets, near Cook County Hospital. By…
Jane Addams and Hull House
Jayant RadhakrishnanChicago, Illinois, United States Important but undramatic humanitarian initiatives that improved the lives of many are easily forgotten. Such is the case of Jane Addams and the ladies of Hull House, whose efforts had a great impact on the lives of Chicago’s underserved populations. Jane Addams unquestionably deserved the Nobel Peace Prize she shared…
Becoming a doctor in Chicago (c. 1954)—The Chicago Maternity Center
Peter BerczellerEdited by Paul Berczeller An excerpt from Dr. Peter Berczeller’s memoir, The Little White Coat. My group and I were assigned to the Chicago Maternity Center at the end of the obstetrics in November 1955. Despite the recent training at Michael Reese, nothing could have prepared me for the tour of duty at the…
Becoming a doctor in Chicago (c. 1954)—Clerkships at Michael Reese Hospital
Peter BerczellerEdited by Paul Berczeller An excerpt from Dr. Peter Berczeller’s memoir, The Little White Coat. After Cook County, my group and I moved over to Michael Reese Hospital—a pile of old buildings on the near South Side—for our surgical clerkship. Each of us was assigned to a resident and told to stick to him…
Becoming a doctor in Chicago (c. 1954)—Clerkship at Cook County Hospital
Peter H. BerczellerEdited by Paul Berczeller An excerpt from Dr. Peter Berczeller’s memoir, The Little White Coat. Ward 64, the only female medical ward at Cook County Hospital, was to be the home base for daily meetings of our group of five with the instructor assigned to us. Our space—immediately next door to the patients’ toilet—was…
Becoming a doctor in Chicago (c. 1954)—The Chicago Medical School
Peter BerczellerEdited by Paul Berczeller An excerpt from Dr. Peter Berczeller’s memoir, The Little White Coat. Chicago Med was the poor relation among the medical schools ringing Cook County Hospital. The sooty three-story building was dwarfed by the high rises of the Rush and Illinois medical schools close by. Though its building was no taller…
Michael Reese Archive: Comments from our readers
In November 1988 the Board of Trustees altered the rules for the appointment of new departmental chairs so that they could be hired directly by the hospital president without a search committee of the professional staff. I personally argued to the other four physician trustees prior to the board of trustees meeting (where this action…
Michael Reese Hospital – pediatrics
Excerpts from the book All Our Lives: A Centennial History of Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, 1881-1981, Sarah Gordon, ed. Sarah Morris Children’s Hospital was a monument to Dr. Abt’s work in pediatrics. In 1909 he was approached by the family of Nelson Morris, who wished to establish a children’s hospital in memory of…
Michael Reese Hospital – Physicians
Excerpts from the book All Our Lives: A Centennial History of Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, 1881-1981, Sarah Gordon, ed In 1899, the West Side Dispensary at Clinton and Judd Streets was closed anda new, larger building was dedicated at the corner of Maxwell and Morgan Streets.Participants in the ceremony included Dr. Emil G.…
Michael Reese Hospital — Neighborhoods and patients
Excerpts from the book All Our Lives: A Centennial History of Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, 1881-1981, Sarah Gordon, ed. Related articles Michael Reese Hospital – BeginningsMichael Reese Hospital – Nurses, interns, and residentsMichael Reese Hospital – PhysiciansMichael Reese Hospital – PediatricsMichael Reese Archive: Comments from our readers Fall 2013 | |